Friday, April 06, 2007

Three towers and a nice old batch of sunshine.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Quote of the Day: "When life gives you lemons, make trash."
- Creative Consultant Julie

When I snapped this with the cell phone, I was expecting it to come out as yet another "modernist-structure-played-on-by-light" kinda thing that I'm such a sucker for. Frankly though, seeing the result, it strikes me more as a "witches' coven" type structure than something inhabited by Eames lounging cocktail sippers. While I don't have a good, working definition of what a modern witches' coven looks like (as opposed to the old thatched-hut-boiling-kettle thing), but if I did, this would be it. Maybe the roof gables suggest pointy hats? Whatever. It's Eastlake. Frankly. the neighborhood could use a witches' coven or two to spice things up.

Four towers at dusk.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Yes, that says "Tiramisu - The Beverage". Finally, my world is complete.

I don't know how many of you, after polishing off a plate of pasta carbonara at your local Italian eatery, mused to yourself, "You know, I could really go for some tiramisu. Frankly, however, I'm kinda tired of having to chew the stuff. Maybe I can get the garçon to liquefy it for me?"

Can we please have a little dignity?

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Saw this Ed Gein T-shirt while thrifting. Obviously the "original" distinction is important for the Gein-ites, because they're wary of all the Dahmer-anians raiding the proverbial Wisconsin cannibalism notoriety fridge. Ahem. So to speak. I knew a girl at the University of Iowa (my freshman lit class) who lived around the corner from Jeffrey Dahmer in Milwaukee and was "freaked out by the whole thing." Yeah, I bet you were. One of my friends in high school was a self-professed "Ed Gein fan." He also has Star Wars tattoos.
Giant killer?

I'll have a grande Americano with a shot of social engineering experimentation. It's an "honor system" cafe, and on the Eastside to boot! Via the Seattle Times: A Kirkland Cafe With No Prices

Thursday, February 15, 2007

An overturned tree along the eastern shore of Lake Union.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

From the 11th story of the Active Voice Building, 6th and Lenora, looking out across Belltown to Elliott Bay.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ah, cappuccino at Caffe Senso Unico, the old Torrefazione Italia location just off 6th Avenue downtown on Pine Street. Waiting for my Flonase prescription to be filled next door at Kelley-Ross, so in the future the olfactories could more effectively process the wafting of a good espresso grind instead of being concerned with just trying to pull oxygen through, what feels like, a pinched-off straw.